We are the world’s
biggest olive oil producer
As industry leaders, we are proud to be the world's leading producer of olive oil,
an achievement we have reached thanks to our adoption of highly profitable mechanized production systems. The key to our success lies in the strategic selection of areas with abundant water availability, enhanced by the Mediterranean climate, which favours the optimal growth of the olive tree and its fruits.

The current agricultural panorama is experiencing a marked trend towards mechanization, and the modern olive grove is no exception. Our focus on mechanization guarantees high levels of productivity without compromising the health and longevity of our crops.
This progress is achieved through sustainable cultural practices, which not only promote high yields, but also strictly adhere to integrated production regulations, ensuring quality and respect for the environment.
At De Prado, we have dedicated more than 18.000 hectares of olive groves to the production of olive oil, thus consolidating our firm commitment to this crop. Thanks to the implementation of state-of-the-art mechanized systems, the vast majority of our surface is currently in full production. This strategic approach positions us for optimal returns and sustained growth in the coming years, reaffirming our leadership in the industry.

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in all aspects of our vertical integration. We value and promote soil biodiversity through specialized practices that include the use of vegetation cover. The cultivation of the olive tree, recognized for its positive impact on the environment, benefits from the unique soil conditions of the Iberian Peninsula.
As well as our agricultural practices, we adopt eco-friendly measures such as leaving pruning remains on the ground. This approach increases organic matter and promotes carbon fixation in the soil, contributing significantly to soil health and ecological balance. This integration of sustainable practices reflects our constant commitment to the preservation of the environment and the development of responsible and respectful agriculture.